Tapis Beni Ouarain

Beni Ouarain rug

Le tapis Beni Ouarain est le tapis berbère par excellence.

Un tapis Beni Ouarain est tissé à la main, avec une qualité de laine douce et naturelle.

Ce tapis berbère est connu pour son style minimaliste, épuré et reprenant souvent des motifs berbères

Il offre un confort exceptionnel, permet de délimiter l'espace au sein de votre intérieur et s'adapte aux tendances actuelles.

Les Beni Ouarain appartiennent à une tribu berbère. Isolés dans les montagnes du Moyen Atlas, l'hiver pouvait être assez rude. Ils se protègent du froid avec des tentes traditionnelles et en fabriquant des tapis berbère en laine.

Toutes nos créations sont tissés par des femmes berbères de manière authentique et traditionnelle (pour leur rendre honneur, chaque tapis porte le prénom de ces femmes).



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Tapis salon Berbère Beniourain BlancTapis salon Berbère Beniourain Blanc

Tapis salon Berbère Beniourain Blanc

Sale price202,10 € Regular price279,50 €

Tapis Beni Ouarain Coloré

Sale price266,60 €
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Tapis Berbère Beniourain aux lignes noires - SAFIA RUGSTapis Berbère Beniourain aux lignes noires - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Berbère Beniourain aux lignes noires

Sale price387,00 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 60,20 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes droites laine épaisse - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes droites laine épaisse - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes droites laine épaisse

Sale priceFrom 240,80 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 45,15 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Losanges Irréguliers - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Losanges Irréguliers - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Losanges Irréguliers

Sale price255,85 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 81,70 €
Tapis salon Beniourain berbère aux losanges designTapis salon Beniourain berbère aux losanges design

Tapis salon Beniourain berbère aux losanges design

Sale price202,10 € Regular price283,80 €
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Tapis Beni Ouarain marocain coloré unique - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain marocain coloré unique - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain marocain coloré unique

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
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Tapis Berbère Beniourain aux losanges noires - SAFIA RUGSTapis Berbère Beniourain aux losanges noires - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Berbère Beniourain aux losanges noires

Sale price387,00 € Regular price427,85 €
Save 43,00 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc losanges multiples - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc losanges multiples - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc losanges multiples

Sale price236,50 € Regular price279,50 €
Save 43,00 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Bleu Azur - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Bleu Azur - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Bleu Azur

Sale price279,50 € Regular price322,50 €
Save 45,15 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Damier Blanc - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Damier Blanc - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Damier Blanc

Sale priceFrom 255,85 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 66,65 €
Grand Tapis Beni Ourain marocain bleu à carreaux - SAFIA RUGSGrand Tapis Beni Ourain marocain bleu à carreaux - SAFIA RUGS

Grand Tapis Beni Ourain marocain bleu à carreaux

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 38,70 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc lignes droites - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc lignes droites - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc lignes droites

Sale priceFrom 240,80 € Regular price279,50 €
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Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Hybride - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Hybride - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Hybride

Sale priceFrom 236,50 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 45,15 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Plusieurs Losanges Blanc - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Plusieurs Losanges Blanc - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Plusieurs Losanges Blanc

Sale price255,85 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 64,50 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain marocain rayures colorées - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain marocain rayures colorées - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain marocain rayures colorées

Sale price236,50 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 66,65 €
Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain marocain blanc Marrakchi - SAFIA RUGSGrand Tapis Beni Ouarain marocain blanc Marrakchi - SAFIA RUGS

Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain marocain blanc Marrakchi

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 66,65 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Noir et Blanc Design - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Noir et Blanc Design - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Noir et Blanc Design

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 66,65 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Lignes Noires - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Lignes Noires

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
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Tapis Beni Ouarain Losanges Noirs - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Losanges Noirs

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 66,65 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Lignes Mosaiques - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Lignes Mosaiques

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 45,15 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes noires design - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes noires design - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes noires design

Sale price255,85 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 45,15 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et motifs bleus - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et motifs bleus - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et motifs bleus

Sale price341,85 € Regular price387,00 €
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Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes blanches design - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes blanches design - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes blanches design

Sale priceFrom 255,85 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 45,15 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Majestueux - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Majestueux - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Majestueux

Sale price255,85 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 66,65 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et Lignes Noires - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et Lignes Noires

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 51,60 €
Tapis Berbère Creme - SAFIA RUGSTapis Berbère Creme - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Berbère Creme

Sale price240,80 € Regular price292,40 €
Save 66,65 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Original - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Original

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 66,65 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Losange Blanc - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Losange Blanc

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €

Tapis de Couloir Berbère

Sale price266,60 €
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Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Lignes Noires - SAFIA RUGS

Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Lignes Noires

Sale priceFrom 255,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 45,15 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes noires losange - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes noires losange - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et lignes noires losange

Sale price255,85 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 66,65 €
Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Losanges - SAFIA RUGS

Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Losanges

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 152,65 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Grand Losange - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Grand Losange

Sale priceFrom 255,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 152,65 €
Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Petit Losange - SAFIA RUGSGrand Tapis Beni Ouarain Petit Losange - SAFIA RUGS

Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Petit Losange

Sale priceFrom 255,85 € Regular price408,50 €
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Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Jaune - SAFIA RUGSGrand Tapis Beni Ouarain Jaune - SAFIA RUGS

Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Jaune

Sale priceFrom 255,85 € Regular price408,50 €
Save 45,15 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et multiples losanges - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et multiples losanges - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc et multiples losanges

Sale priceFrom 255,85 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 152,65 €
Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Losange Bleu - SAFIA RUGS

Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain Losange Bleu

Sale priceFrom 255,85 € Regular price408,50 €
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Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain - SAFIA RUGSGrand Tapis Beni Ouarain - SAFIA RUGS

Grand Tapis Beni Ouarain

Sale priceFrom 255,85 € Regular price266,60 €
Save 43,00 €
Tapis Berbère Laine Fait Main - SAFIA RUGSTapis Berbère Laine Fait Main - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Berbère Laine Fait Main

Sale price236,50 € Regular price279,50 €

Grand Tapis Style Berbère

Sale priceFrom 279,50 €
Save 55,90 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Lignes Horizontales et Verticales - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Lignes Horizontales et Verticales - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Lignes Horizontales et Verticales

Sale priceFrom 245,10 € Regular price301,00 €
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Tapis Beni Ouarain Noir - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Noir - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Noir

Sale price266,60 €

Grand Tapis Berbère

Sale priceFrom 279,50 €
Save 30,10 €
Tapis Berbère Ecru - SAFIA RUGSTapis Berbère Ecru - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Berbère Ecru

Sale price266,60 € Regular price296,70 €

Tapis Berbère Marocain

Sale price266,60 €
Save 83,85 €
Tapis Berbère Salon - SAFIA RUGSTapis Berbère Salon - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Berbère Salon

Sale price255,85 € Regular price339,70 €
Save 45,15 €
Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Lignes et Damier - SAFIA RUGSTapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Lignes et Damier - SAFIA RUGS

Tapis Beni Ouarain Blanc Lignes et Damier

Sale price255,85 € Regular price301,00 €
Save 66,65 €
Grand tapis Beni Ouarain marocain beige - SAFIA RUGSGrand tapis Beni Ouarain marocain beige - SAFIA RUGS

Grand tapis Beni Ouarain marocain beige

Sale price341,85 € Regular price408,50 €

Tapis Salon Berbère

Sale price296,70 €
Un tapis Beni Ouarain avec un sapin de Noël
Un tapis Beni Ouarain avec un sapin de Noël

Tapis Beni ouarain design

Vanina - La Rochelle, France

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Welcome to the fascinating world of Beni Ouarain rugs! I am delighted to share with you my knowledge of these Moroccan artisanal treasures. Beni Ouarain rugs hold a special place in Berber craftsmanship and are recognized for their timeless beauty. In this article, we will explore the origin, unique characteristics and different uses of these iconic rugs. Prepare to dive into the captivating world of Beni Ouarain rugs.

Origin and history of Beni Ouarain carpets

Beni Ouarain rugs take their name from the eponymous Berber tribe, originating from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. These rugs have a rich history that goes back generations. In Berber culture, carpet weaving was once an activity passed down from mother to daughter, thus perpetuating traditions and ancestral know-how. The designs used in Beni Ouarain rugs often have deep symbolic meaning, representing elements of nature, beliefs and rites of passage.

Characteristics of Beni Ouarain rugs

Beni Ouarain rugs are known for their distinctive features that make them unique and recognizable at first glance. These rugs are hand-woven with high-quality sheep's wool, giving them a soft, thick texture. Geometric patterns, generally diamond-shaped, are a trademark of Beni Ouarain rugs. The colors used are mainly neutral, with shades of white, cream and black, giving them an elegant and timeless look.

How to recognize a Beni Ouarain rug?

If you want to identify a genuine Beni Ouarain rug, there are a few key clues to consider. First, carefully examine the wool used. It must be thick, soft and of exceptional quality. Geometric patterns are also a distinctive element: they are generally asymmetrical and have subtle variations, demonstrating the unique character of each rug. Finally, keep an eye out for traditional Berber symbols woven into the rug, which add a touch of mystery and cultural significance.

The different uses of Beni Ouarain rugs

Beni Ouarain rugs are versatile and can be used in different ways to bring a touch of authenticity to your interior. They are perfect for adding a warm and welcoming ambiance to your living room or bedroom. You can also use them as unique wall pieces to create a focal point in your space. Additionally, these rugs are known for their durability, making them perfect for everyday use in high-traffic areas.

Maintenance and care of Beni Ouarain carpets

To preserve the beauty and longevity of your Beni Ouarain rug, it is essential to give it appropriate care. I recommend dusting it regularly using a low-powered vacuum cleaner and avoiding harsh brushes which could damage the delicate fibers. In the event of a stain, it is best to act quickly using a clean, soft cloth, lightly dampened with lukewarm water and mild soap. Be careful not to rub vigorously to avoid damaging the wool. Finally, if you need to deeply maintain your carpet, it is best to hire a professional carpet cleaning professional to ensure that proper methods are used.

Conclusion on Beni Ouarain carpets

Beni Ouarain rugs are much more than simple decorative elements. They are the fruit of a rich cultural heritage and represent the art of traditional weaving of the Berber tribes of Morocco. Their timeless beauty, their symbolic patterns and their artisanal quality make them unique and precious pieces. I hope that this article has allowed you to better understand the world of Beni Ouarain rugs, to recognize their distinctive characteristics and to understand how to integrate them harmoniously into your interior. May these rugs bring you warmth, comfort and a touch of Berber authenticity in your home!

If you are looking for other Berber rugs, we invite you to visit our collection of Zanafi rugs .

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